

Preparing youth in Africa with the skills to succeed in today’s economy


To develop young leaders and entrepreneurs in Africa.


Educate!'s Skills Course

An Educate!-trained Mentor provides world-class leadership, entrepreneurship, and workforce readiness training to 40 Educate! Scholars at each partner school over the course of a year and a half. The curriculum includes 80-minute lessons delivered weekly throughout the three terms of the school year.

Mentor Workbooks

Welcome to the Educate! Leadership and Entrepreneurship Course (LEC)! We here at E! have developed this curriculum book to help YOU, the Mentor, facilitate the E! Experience in secondary schools throughout Uganda. The focus of Term 1 is Leadership, Term 2 is Entrepeneurship, and Term 3 is Mentoring. The lesson plans in these curriculum books and the accompanying out-of class time activities are designed to equip Ugandan youth with skills that will help them be strong and caring leaders in their communities.

Scholar Workbooks

Each term, Scholars receive a workbook to guide them through the Skills Course. The Scholar Workbook includes in-class activities, case studies, and out-of class assignments to go along with the Skills Course and support the development of 21st century skills.

Leadership Passbook

Given to Scholars at the start of the Skills Course, the Passbook is the evaluation mechanism to assess Scholar progress in the first two terms of the Skills Course. The Mentor stamps each page when Scholars can provide evidence that they've completed at least two actions toward gaining each skill. After the entire passbook has been stamped, Scholars are eligible to graduate from the Educate! program.